Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hey this is Abby. We had an action packed day. We started off with a good but interesting meal and although we have never heard of some of the food we have been eating, its been good. After the scariest and most fun road trip of my life, we got to the top of Fern Gully (Becky almost got sick!) After that, we went to the "Straw Market" and were torn in so many different directions by the people that work there. After spending way too much money and picking things for everyone back home, we ate Jamaican patties and came back "home". We spent some time in the pool taking pictures with Seth's new waterproof camera. So cool! We went to an art shop and ate dinner. After that, we had one of the greatest devotions right by the water: news, music, and God's word. What more can you ask for? We miss you and Love you, we will try to update tomorrow!


  1. By now I am sure you are getting into the swing of Jamaican life. I pray that everyone you encounter today will see Jesus's light shining through you. It maybe the kids you are working with today, or someone back at the resort. You are in Jamaica for a purpose. Be open to do whatever God asks you to do today.

    Love y'all and miss y'all,

  2. So glad you are having a great time and experiencing all that God has in store for you while in Jamica. Love you! Besitos.
