Thursday, July 16, 2009

VBS DAY 4: 187 Kids in VBS Today

Hey guys, its Misty!!!! So far my week has been great!! I've had a lot of fun getting to spend time with everyone who came and worked with the kids in my class. As much fun as it has been its also been TONS of work. I bet you can imagine how much energy a 5 yr old has and if you multiply that by fifty then you'll have and idea of what my worlds been like this week. In the midst of all my unnecessary stressing three kids in particular have managed to steal my heart. Their names are Ryan, Zam and Abby. They are all around the age of two and are by far the sweetest kids I've met in my life. All week long they've been following me around and are usually never more than an arms length away. When we walk to snacks I'm always carrying two of them and the other holds on to my skirt. Every day when we're closing the service ill be holding Zam and he'll fall asleep. Its soooooo cute!!! I'm aware that telling you this might sound stupid but I've never felt my heart swell so many times in one week. These three kids just make me fell so needed and loved. Being around them really helps me notice how easy it can be to alter how someone lives. Anyway......... my high of today was being able to spend time with elizabeth and victoria. Its been so long since I've had girl time and it just made me feel more in touch with whats going on in the land of women. My low of today is that my eyelids are sunburnt. I didn't even know it could happen, but i suppose thats what I get for going to sleep in the sun. I guess my book wasn't interesting enough to keep me awake. Lucky for you I've now come to the end of my rant. thanks for reading. love u daddy sry ur at home by yourself. BYE!!!!

ps. this is for my mother. i love you with my whole heart!!!! I hope you're having a good time in portland! i miss you bunches!!!!!!!! oh and FYI lost my rainbows. i have no clue where they went and I've been looking for them all week. I'm extremely sorry.

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